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Utilizing Block Scheduling – Whiteboard Wednesday Season 10: Episode 10

Most people equate workload with how many hours we work per week. But what if we planned and managed our workload by utilizing block scheduling, in which we consider our mornings, afternoons, and evenings as blocks of time? On today’s whiteboard video, Scott Lokers explains the approach, and how it can have a positive impact on your work and quality …

Resilient Disciples for Tough Times

“Tough times don’t last, tough people do.” ~ Robert Schuller Really? God’s desire is to make his people tough? He wants us to develop a spiritual skin so thick and impermeable that nothing can hurt us? That doesn’t sound right to me. It sounds more like what the Bible calls “hardening” than it does Christlikeness. Impatience abounds. A full two months …

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Retirement as Mission – Whiteboard Wednesday Season 10: Episode 8

On today’s whiteboard video, Dan Ackerman addresses a frequently overlooked, yet critically important subject: retirement. Referencing The Third Third of Life: Preparing for Your Future, by Walter C. Wright, Dan makes the case that retirement doesn’t have to oriented solely around relaxation, but can actually be the impetus for reinvention that leads to reengagement. Watch the video to learn more.