January 4, 2017

The F.A.I.T.H Filter

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On today’s Whiteboard Wednesday, Mike Gafa describes the F.A.I.T.H. filter and how utilizing this tool helps enable successful strategic planning for leadership teams.


Before you lock down strategic plans, I recommend that you ensure that your plans pass through a tool called the “F.A.I.T.H. Filter.”

F stands for flexible, because plans need to be held loosely, being flexible to adapt as circumstances change and as the Holy Spirit works.

A stands for aligning our plans with the truth of God’s Word, and with our mission, vision, and values.

I stands for intertwining our various individual ministry and department plans into a single, cohesive, church-wide plan.

T stands for transformational, because just as God does not intend for people to stay stuck in place, God does not intend for churches to stay stuck in place. Hence, our plans should help foster transformation – forward movement for the cause of Christ.

H stands for holy, because plans that are discerned prayerfully and through the leading of the Holy Spirit ought to be set apart for God. Granted, our plans are not “God-breathed”, but if they are God-inspired they ought to be set apart for God.

In a given planning season, there are three times that I recommend using the F.A.I.T.H Filter: First, at the onset, when you initially enter a planning season. Secondly, when beginning to formulate plans. And thirdly, as you finalize plans.

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